Amaya, Age 9, Post Haploid Identical Bone Marrow Transplant at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland

Two November Birthdays

Amaya has two November birthdays


Amaya’s Haplo BMT was on November 1st and she turned 9 years old November 8th. Today we are on day +10 of her BMT. So far no bad side effects


No nausea, no vomiting, no sores praise God


and she still is full of energy. Patients do typically lose their hair soon after the chemo she had a few days back so I had a talk with her again to prepare her for this and when that time comes mommy will take the plunge and sport a baldie with her. More importantly, I anxiously await for engraftment which could be another week or two from now. Her white blood cells have dropped to the lowest point which means we have to be very cautious to avoid infection but once everything drops when it crawls back up she will be on the path to engraftment with new healthy cells.

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