Curative Treatments

Review and compare all of the curative treatments for Sickle Cell Disease

Full Match Bone Marrow Transplant

This procedure has been around for  longer than all of the other options. With a full sibling match success rate is 95%+.

- First Performed in 1983

- Requires ​Chemotherapy

- Has the risk of fertility loss 

-Temporary hair loss

- Temporary low immune system

- Uses a full sibling match or 10/10 unrelated match from a database of donors.

-No Age Requirement. ​Requirement is based on severity of condition and health.

- Process takes 3 months for Adults and 6 months for children

- Success rate is 95% with a sibling donor 
85% with an unrelated donor


Haploid Identical Bone Marrow Transplant

If a full match donor is not available and you are unable to access gene therapy, this is a good option. You can get a half match from your mother, father or sibling. 

- First Performed in 2011

- Requires Chemotherapy

- Has the risk of fertility loss 

-Temporary hair loss

- Temporary low immune system

- Uses a half or 50% match from a parent or sibling.

-No Age Requirement. ​Requirement is based on severity of condition and health.

- Process takes 3 months for Adults and 6 months for children

-Success rate is 88% 


Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy is a great option because you do not have to be reliant on anyone to be a donor. Gene Therapy uses the patient's own cells and modifies them, it also has 95%+ success rate.

- First Performed in 2015

- Requires Chemotherapy

- Has the risk of fertility loss 

-Temporary hair loss

- Temporary low immune system

- Uses the patient's own cells and the cells are modified.

-Must be at least 12 years old

- Process takes 8-12 months

-Success rate is 95%+