We made it to the Baltimore Ronald McDonald House some updates:
* Amaya is 100% engrafted (sometimes you can have a 90% or so engraftment with some of your old cells remaining, she has no sign of hers which is amazing!)
* Before getting discharged her Hickman / port did get an infection so they had to treat her with antibiotics and remove the Hickman. After removing the Hickman we had to wait a few days and have a Pick line placed into her arm. This is how any necessary meds or transfusions are given.
* So far her White Blood Cells, Red Blood Cells, Platelets etc. have recovered nicely and she hasn’t needed any further transfusions.
* We will be going to clinic 3x per week, then 2x per week and then eventually 1x per week. We are going home to NJ either late January or early February.
It feels so good to be out of the hospital ( I was starting to lose it!) and have confirmation that the procedure was a success