Bone Marrow Transplant Donor

November 1st Transplant Day

This Friday I donated bone marrow to my daughter for her transplant. This procedure is called a Haplo or Half Match Related Transplant. Amaya had no full match options available. So far the biggest challenge has been the sadness of being away from family for me and Amaya feeling upset about being restricted during long chemo sessions. She has not endured any side effects as of yet, no nausea, no hair loss, no vomiting, no discomfort. However I was forewarned, week 3 is the week where many people do experience symptoms. The chemo will be more aggressive and she will be hooked up mostly all day until her counts go up and my cells engraft which can take 2 weeks or longer. Praying for the best 🙏🏾 and knowing that we can weather any storm🎊

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